Projects ยป

The Projects Node is the starting point for creating and deleting projects and for performing a variety of actions on the project entity.

Grid Views

Tabbed Views


Grid Views


Tabbed Views


Project Name Reactions


This view displays the list of projects and their overall properties which are organized in columns as explained below:
  • The Project column denotes the name of the project. The project can be renamed by editing this field.
  • The Active column is used to select which projects are activated for detailed exploration in the Project Explorer view.
  • The Mode column is used to select the mode of the project. The modes are:
    • Estimation: Select this mode if you are planning to estimate kinetic parameters from experimental data. In this mode, REX uses the experimental data and the provided reaction mechanism to estimate the kinetic parameters that provide the best match to the observations. This is the default mode.
      Optimization: Select this mode if you are planning to optimize the reactor operating conditions when the reaction kinetics are known. In this mode, the kinetic parameters are fixed, and you may evaluate or optimize operating conditions in order to maximize yields of the desired product.
  • The Read Only column, when marked, makes the project data unmodifiable. This checkbox must be unmarked to edit project data.
  • The Mark column specifies the list of projects that are marked for export to a file or delete. This is convenient when you want to export more than one Project to a file or if you want to delete more than one Project at once.

Creating a Project

You may create or add a new project by going to the last row and entering the name of the desired project. The row will change to edit mode, and you may save this project with the <ENTER> key or by clicking on the pencil icon in the row header. This project will now be available for detailed exploration in the Project Explorer View.

Deleting a Project

A project can be deleted by selecting the project row and using the <DELETE> key. A confirm deletion dialog appears. Click OK to delete the project.


This view is stacked in tabs along with the Reactions view, and is visible by default.
Here, you may enter notes related to the selected project in Projects.

Project Name Reactions

This view is stacked in tabs along with the Notes view. As it is not shown by default, you may view it by clicking on the Reactions tab.
This is a read-only view and shows all the reactions that belong to the selected project in Projects.

Top of Topic


Marked Projects

Export Project

Import Project


Publish to Library

Marked Projects

Marked Projects has four sub-actions:
This action is used to export more than one project to a file.
  1. Select the Projects you wish to export in the Mark column.
  2. On executing Marked Projects/Export, a parameters dialog appears requesting additional information:
      1) Select the name of the export file and the directory location. Using the button is a convenient way to specify the path. By default, export files are saved with the .rex extension.
      2) Click OK. Information dialogs only appear if there are any errors in the export operation.

This action is used to delete more than one project at once.
  1. Select the Projects you wish to delete in the Mark column.
  2. On executing Marked Projects/Delete, a confirm deletion dialog appears.
  3. Click OK, if you actually want to delete the projects.

Export and Delete
This action is used to export more than one project at once and delete them after the export is completed.
  1. Select the Projects you wish to export and delete in the Mark column.
  2. On executing Marked Projects/Export and Delete, a parameters dialog appears requesting additional information:
    • 1) Select the name of the export file and the directory location. Using the button is a convenient way to specify the path. By default, export files are saved with the .rex extension.
      2) Click OK. Information dialogs only appear if there are any errors in the export operation.

Publish to Library
This action is used to publish multiple projects to the Library.
  1. Select the Projects you wish to publish to the Library in the Mark column.
  2. On executing Marked Projects/Publish to Library, the marked projects are copied to the Library node

Export Project

This action is used to export a single project to a file. On executing Export Project, a parameters dialog appears requesting additional information:
  1. Select the Project you wish to export from the drop-list of available projects.
  2. Select the name of the export file and the directory location. Using the button is a convenient way to specify the path. By default, export files are saved with the .rex extension.
  3. Click OK. Information dialogs only appear if there are any errors in the export operation.

Import Project

This action is used to import projects from a file. On executing Import Projects, a parameters dialog appears requesting additional information:
  1. Select the name of the import file and the directory location. Using the button is a convenient way to specify the path. The import files should have a .rex extension.
  2. Select whether you want to hide the current projects in order to only view the project to be imported in the Project Explorer view. When this option is chosen, the active flag is cleared for all other projects. By defaut, all projects except the imported one are hidden.
  3. Click OK.


This action is used to copy a project. On executing Copy, a parameters dialog appears requesting additional information:
  1. Select the Project you wish to copy from the drop-list of available projects.
  2. Click OK. After execution, the copy of the selected project will appear in the tree.

Publish to Library

This action is used to copy all the information of a given project to the Library. On executing Publish to Library, a parameters dialog appears requesting additional information:
  1. Select the Project you wish to publish from the drop-list of available projects.
  2. Click OK. Information dialogs only appear if there are any errors in the export operation.

Top of Topic

See Also: