
A backup is a copy of all the data in the database. It is a file with .bak extension.

Collapse all
The Collapse all pop-up allows you to hide all the children of the selected node.

Documentation-only grid
The information shown in this type of grid does not affect the solution or the results of the project.

Edit Mode
Edit Mode is when the pencil icon in the row header appears and the data is not saved yet to the database.

Expand all
The Expand all pop-up allows you to expand the current node to display all its descendants.

Export Project
Export Projects is an action used to export a single project to a file (a .rex file).

Import Projects
Import Projects is an action used to import projects from a file.

Navigation Bar
The Navigation Bar is located in the left side of the windows.
Further description is provided here.

A Node is an item of the tree. When the node is selected, its Node Window is shown.

Node Window
The Node Window is the window that is to the right of the tree, which shows the information pertaining to the node, when the node is selected. The node window displays the grids, graphs or other information about the node.

Optience Core Platform
Optience Core Platform is a framework which facilitates building end-user applications that enable users to interact with data stored in a database.

A pane may contain a grid or a chart. It can be freely moved around the window, and it can be pinned (i.e.: kept fixed in some place) by clicking in the icon, or closed by clicking in the icon).

Popup Menu
The Menu that appears when you right-click on an object.

Preview Pane
It is an area inside the grid that displays text or equations in a more convenient format than what would be possible in a short column.

Reset Layout
Reset Layout allows to refresh the layout to the default settings in the Node Window.

REX Library
REX Library serves as the knowledge management component of the REX Suite. REX Library facilitates exploration of reaction kinetics databases.

Selected Mode
The selected mode is the current mode of the project, as specified in the Mode column of Project Explorer → Projects node.

Special Syntax
Certain text fields in REX must meet special syntax requirements as follows:
    - The text field should be within 40 characters.
    - It must not be void.
    - It must not be a duplicated name.
REX recognizes if these rules are violated and renames the fields to meet these requirements. REX also attempts to prevent duplicates in names by appending numeric suffixes to duplicated names.

Zoom In/Out
You can zoom in on a graph region. To zoom in, place the left mouse button at any point, and drag and draw a rectangle in the right-and-down direction. You may zoom out by moving the mouse in the opposite direction.

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