Chemistry ยป

The Chemistry tree contains information about chemistry in terms of Compounds, Reactions, Catalysts (optional), Cells (optional) and the Kinetics.



Enable Special Models

Enable Special Models

This action is used to enable the following special models:

Detailed Catalyst Model
This allows you to build a project with detailed microkinetics. An example of this is when you need to model adsorption, desorption and elementary reactions on the catalyst surface. After activating this option, the Catalysts child node is shown, where you may select the catalyst and the catalyst compounds. This example illustrates the application of the Detailed Catalyst model.

Bio Cell Model
This allows you to model bioreactions that take place inside cells. REX then considers the liquid phase and the cells as two separate compartments. It is not necessary to use this option for simple bioreactions where only one reaction phase is considered, such as in the the Simple BioReactor example. After activating this option, the Cells node is shown, where you may select the compounds that represent the cells, and the species that are contained inside them. This example illustrates the application of the BioCell model.

Disable Detailed Catalyst / Bio Cell Model
When one of the two actions above have been executed, you may disable it by using this action.

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See Also: