Optimization ยป

The Optimization Tree provides features for performing reactor optimization studies. This allows you to evaluate the limits of the chemistry in terms of yield performance. You may evaluate optimization strategies ranging from simple simulation studies (virtual experiments) to complex dynamic optimization studies. All the information in the Optimization and Estimation Tree are stored independently, thus you can switch between the Estimation and Optimization Nodes without losing any data.



Control Profiles

Initialize from Results

Quick Run

Open Solver

Control Profiles

When Control Profiles toggle button is active, the dynamic control profile optimization features are turned ON. The Optimization tree changes and the Case Design → Control Profiles node is made visible. In this node, you may set up the dynamic profile optimization scenarios.
By default, control profiles are disabled. This provides for a simpler interface when you plan to study static optimization scenarios.

Note:Control Profiles actions are only available for Batch and PFR reactors.

Initialize from Results

  • Initialize All

  • This action is used to automatically transfer the optimal design values and calculated profiles from the optimization results to the Case Design → Design Values and the Initialization Values subnodes respectively.

  • Initialize Profiles Only:

  • This action is used to automatically transfer only the the calculated profiles from the optimization results to the Initialization Values subnodes.

The actions above are similar to their counterparts in the Estimation tree, where a more detailed description is provided.

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