Solution Options ¬

The Solution Options Node allows you to specify strategies for the solution of the optimization problem. The choice of these options may affect the solution obtained, the robustness of the solver and the solution speed. They are explained in detail below.

Tabbed Views


Tabbed Views

Optimization Options

DAE Discretization Options

Optimization Options

This view is used to select the solution options in its grids, as follows:

Grid Views

Optimization Options

Solver Options

Optimization Options

The Warmstart option is used to select the starting point from which the run will begin the search of the solution. There are two options:
  • None: The solution search will begin based on the point corresponding to the values entered in the Design Values node.
  • Use Provided Initial Values: The run will begin from the data loaded in the Initialization Values node.
    If you select this option, you should ensure that reasonable values are provided here, otherwise, you may have convergence problems. One way to provide reasonable values is to initialize from a previously converged solution by using the Initialize from results action in the Optimization node, or in the Initialization Values node.
    If no previous run has been performed, the Initialization Values may be all zeros. This could lead to a convergence problems.

There are two different solvers:
  • Conopt3
  • Conopt4
The default option is Conopt4. You may try alternate solver when you have convergence problems.

Design Variables
There are two options:
  • Simulate Only, where the design variables will be fixed to their Values entered in the Design Values node.
  • Optimize, where the sum of the weighted yields defined in the Objective node, is maximized by finding the optimal value of the design variables between the bounds specified in the Design Values node.

Negative Composition
For more details related to this option, please see the corresponding document for the estimation mode.

Use Composition Bounds
If you choose "Yes", the bound values that you have specified for the compounds and pseudo-compounds in the Bounds node are enforced.
If you select "No", the specified values of the bounds are ignored in the model.

Solver Options

This grid is identical to its counterpart in the Estimation tree. Please see the corresponding help document.

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DAE Discretization Options

This tab is identical to its counterpart in the Estimation tree. Please see the corresponding help document.

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Quick Run

Open Solver

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See Also: