Profile Derivatives Bounds

This node allows you to enter the lower and upper bounds for the derivatives of the variables selected in the Profiles Optimize node.
This node only appears when the Derivatives Bounds toggle button is active.

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Profile Derivatives Bounds

Profile Derivatives Bounds

In this grid you can define the lower and upper bound on the selected variable derivatives, for every period and case.
It is organized in the following columns:
  • The Case column.
  • The Variable column, that displays all the variables selected in the Profiles Derivatives Variables grid of the Profiles Optimize node.
  • The Period column.
  • The Lower Bound column, where you can enter the lower bound for the derivatives for each variable on every case and period. The default value is -1E+08.
  • The Upper Bound column, where you can enter the upper bound for the derivatives for each variable on every case and period. The default value is 1E+08.

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