Reaction Traffic ยป

Here, you may visualize the reaction network, and the traffic in each reaction pathway. Forward reactions are indicated by a solid arrow, while reverse reactions are indicated by an un-filled(white) arrow. By default, only the reaction network is shown.

You may customize this display to show the traffic for compound moles, mass or atoms by visiting the Options child node. Additional formatting options are available in that node.



Export Image

Export Image with Source Code

Export Image

On executing the Export Image action, you will be able to save the image into a .png file.
REX will ask you for the name and location of the saved file; by default the file name is the same as the project name.

Export Image with Source Code

This action is only intended for advanced users who want to do image modifications by editing the source code for the Graphviz visualization software that creates the image.
When executing this action, you will be asked for the name of the saved files. Two files are then created: one .png file for the image, and a .gv file with the source code.

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See Also: