Method for PseudoCompounds

This node is only visible when one or more Conserved PseudoCompounds are selected in the parent Yield Calculations node. It replicates the parent node, but only for the PseudoCompounds selected in it, and allows you to specify special options related to yield calculations for pseudocompounds.

By default, REX directly uses the experimental pseudocompound values (loaded in Experiments→Measurements→Sets node) to report the experimental values for any Yield, Conversion or Selectivity that has PseudoCompounds involved in their definition. REX does not use the formula of the pseudocompound to report experimental yields.
In this node, you may choose an alternative for that calculation. You may specify that the founding formula of the pseudocompound should be used to report experimental conversion, yield or selectivity.

Lets consider an example of a conserved pseudocompound C defined as: C = A + B, where A and B are compounds. By default, REX will directly use the experimental value loaded for C to report conversions and yields. If the by Formula option is checked, then REX uses the experimental values of A and B, then calculates the "experimental value" of C using the formula C = A + B. Any experimental value entered for C is ignored in the yield calculation.

Tabbed Views


Tabbed Views





In this tab, Pseudocompounds that were selected in the Conversion tab of Yield Calculations node are listed.
By default, experimental conversion of pseudocompounds is obtained directly through the experimental values loaded for that variable. When selecting a pseudocompound in the Formula checkbox, the reported experimental conversion will be obtained using the experimental values of compounds associated to its formula.

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This Tab replicates the equivalent one in Yield Calculations node, though only the Pseudocompounds selected there are enabled here. You may specify the formula based calculation for any pseudocompound (either in yield or basis) by selecting the checkboxes here.

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The organization here is similar to the implementation in the Yield tab described above.

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See Also: