Heat of Reaction

This node is shown only for single phase reactors in which temperature is set to be calculated by the Use Energy Balance option in the Reactor node.

By default, REX calculates the heat of reaction implicitly from the heat of formation and specific heat data provided in the Chemistry → Compounds → Properties node. The options in this node allow you to over-ride these calculations and directly use the heat of reaction from the correlations in the Chemistry → Reactions → Properties node. You can find more information on the Energy Balance feature in this example.

For multiphase reactors, this over-ride option is not available, and this node is therefore hidden. For multiphase reactors, Energy Balance calculations are done based on Specific Heat and Heat of Formation of the compounds.

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Grid Views

Source of Heat of Reaction

Source of Heat of Reaction

The columns of this view are organized as follows:
  • The Reactions column lists all reactions in the project.
  • The Use Heat of Reaction from Reaction Properties column is unchecked by default, which means that the heat of reaction is calculated from properties of the compounds in the reaction, namely the Specific Heat (Cp) and Heat of Formation entered in Chemistry → Compounds → Properties node. If the checkbox is included for a reaction, then its Heat of Reaction is obtained from the values provided in Chemistry → Reactions → Properties node.

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